Love in Bioethics: IACB Webinar Series

In preparation for the next IACB colloquium, which will be held at Georgetown University, Washington DC, from June 5-8, 2024, the IACB has organized online discussions on the theme of the colloquium: What’s Love Got to Do with Bioethical Reflection? Please go to this page to register for these webinars:
All are welcome! For more information, see below:
11th IACB Webinar Flyer
Love and Clinical Care (Feb. 3)Daniel Sulmasy & Anne Dalle Ave |
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Summary |
Love and Moral Insight (Mar. 2)Ann Sirek, Xavier Symons & Claudia Sotomayor |
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Love, Virtues, and Principlism (Apr. 6)Tyler Tate, Joseph Clair & Marta Barcelos |
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Love and Justice in Public Health Care (Apr. 20)Joseph Mfuto-Bengo & Alexandre A. Martins |
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Love and Decision Making (May 11)William Sullivan & Fr. Columba Thomas OP |
Recording |
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